Saturday 8 July 2017

A Time To Every Purpose....

Catholic Scot has achieved a landmark of sorts. After years of (more or less) patient effort and 210 individual posts the site has now received 100 000 unique visits. Which seems as good a time as any to being the project to an end. This, then, is the last ever Catholic Scot blog. I am neither an original thinker nor an especially good writer and there are others who are far better able than I am to explain and defend the Christian faith of the Catholic Church. I happily leave the task in their competent hands.

It has been my hope to do no harm with this blog and to do nothing to increase the amount of hate in the world. To the extent that I have most certainly failed I am more sorry than words can say. I also have some small hopes that I may have done a little good. If that is so, and it might not be, then I express my gratitude to the Holy Spirit the source of any and all the good which I might do in this life. I am enormously grateful also to the small band of readers who have followed and encouraged me here and on social media through all my vicissitudes of style and subject.

I entrust them and all my readers, friend and foe alike, especially you who are reading this now, to the guidance and protection of the Theotokos, Mary Queen of Heaven, Star of the Sea, Strength of the Weak. May she infuse her gentleness into every aspect of your life and bring you to the haven of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The peace of the Lord be with you.



  1. Damn sorry to hear this Steve

    1. Thank you. I have set up a thoughtfully catholic blog in case I feel impelled to write about something in the future.

    2. So sad! Anyway!
      What will you do with your time now?

    3. Thank you. I'm not sure yet. My health restricts me rather more than it used to.

  2. You are for me one of the most interesting writers on Roman Catholicism since Evelyn Waugh

    1. Gosh. The only thing of his I have read is his biography of St Edmund Campion which was pretty good. And definitely in a totally different class from anything I've ever written.

    2. Im thinking more of the fiction, especially the Sword of Honour trilogy. Not out your class at all.

  3. One of the few articulate Catholic bloggers out there, well done good and faithful servant!
